ectopic pregnancy
- A pregnancy in which the fertilized ovum is implanted in any tissue other than the uterus|uterine wall. Most ectopic pregnancies occur in the Fallopian tube (so-called tubal pregnancies), but implantation can also occur in the cervix, ovary|ovaries, and abdomen. An abdominal pregnancy or heterotopic pregnancy is rare, but a few, fabulously rare (about 1:60,000,000) cases are documented as coming to term; in the other instances, the mother dies first; an abdominal pregnancy is the supreme obstetrical emergency. All are treated by surgery where the life of the non-viable fetus is sacrificed for that of the mother.
Chinese: ç�°ä½�å¦�å¨ /å¼�ä½�å¦�å¨ yì wèi rènshÄ�n; å�å®®å¤�å�/å�宫å¤�å� zÇ�gÅ�ng wà i yùn , å®®å¤�å�/宫å¤�å� gÅ�ng wà i yùn
French: grossesse extra-utérine f
Greek: t+|el|εξ�μή��ιο� κ�η�η|f|sc=Grek
Japanese: å�å®®å¤�å¦�å¨ (ã��ã��ã��ã��ã��ã��ã�«ã��ã��ã��, shikyuugai-ninshin)
Korean: ì��ê¶�ì�¸ì��ì� (å�å®®å¤�å§�å¨ )
el:ectopic pregnancy